First day of school!

Aug 28, 2012 | PTO

What a wonderful first day of school! Thank you parents for joining us for breakfast and a huge THANK YOU for the parents who helped! It was a nice way to get back into the swing of things and to catch up with old friends!

PTO is busy planning our 1st function to be held on Friday September 14th from 6-8pm which is our Back to School Bash! Parents if you stay, wear your dancing shoes!!!

Our first fundraiser is going to begin this week with our discount cards. Each family will receive an envelope with 5 cards in it to sell at $10 a piece. If you need additional cards please contact Tammie Kish at The school office will have cards available as well.

Lastly, during dismissal pick up, PLEASE use the entrance farthest from Nugent’s Nursing Home to enter and exit. This helps keep our traffic flowing with minimal confusion. We will have parents there during the 1st week to assist with dismissal. Please be patient as the first week is always the hardest but I promise that the lines will start to move more quickly with each upcoming day!

We are excited for this year and hope you are too!

Many Blessings!