PTO Minutes 9-11-13

Sep 13, 2013 | PTO

Meeting brought to order at 6:33 p.m in the multi-purpose room.

Opening Prayer by Palma Russ

Officers in Attendance:  President, P Russ; V.P., D Wilds; Secretary, E Schneider and Treasurer, J Atkinson.  A Messina, Teacher Representative and B Lyons, Principal.

Parents in Attendance: L Scott; M Galaska; M Moyer; L Rosa; J Bruckner; B McKee; S Missory; C Williams; M Becker; T Kish; J Wilson; C Anderson; M Jones; M Hegwood; K Calla; M Grove and J Rider.

Old Business:

B0o Hoo Breakfast was held on the first day of school and we had a good turnout.  Donuts, coffee and orange juice were served.

Eagle Eye is currently in print.  If you missed the opportunity to have your name listed, it is still possible to have it added at the end of the booklet.  Please contact Palma Russ as soon as possible to have it included.

We have had our first Market Day pickup and it was very successful.  We had over $3,500 in sales

Gym uniforms have been ordered and will hopefully be in by next week’s gym day.

New Business:

Yumberries/Olympic Fun Center Fundraiser didn’t go as well as we thought they would.  Sale for Yumberries ends the end of this week, however, Olympic Fun Center coupon booklets will be available throughtout the school year.

We will have a candle sale around Christmas by a local company.  Looking to get our own school scent with a personalized label.

Easter candy sales will be in February with Daffins this time around.

A spring fundraiser will be announced at a later date.

We have a fall mum sale being held this Friday (Sept. 13th) located under the pavillion next to the parking lot.  Cost of the mums will be $6.00 and Melissa Galaska will be handling the sale.

Boxtops and Campbell Soup Labels will be handled by Melissa Galaska this year.  Please send in your items to help the school earn items for classrooms, playground, etc.

Good Search and Capri Sun Pouches fundraiser was explained by Jeanne Atkinson and she will be in charge of those again this year.  Any questions, please contact her.

Homeroom Parents was explained by Palma.  Donna Wilds will be heading up this committee and there will be a meeting Sept. 18th at 6:00 in the multi-purpose room to go over the teacher luncheon schedule and other responsibilities of homeroom parents.

Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on October 6th in the school gym.  To sign up to donate or help out, please contact Evelyn Schneider at 586-337-4053.

CPR Training is being highly recommended for lunchroom volunteers.  Classes will be held at McGonigles Ambulance Services on State Street every third Tuesday of the month.  Flyers will be going home with the children with all the information. Please contact Evelyn Schneider  with any questions.

We have a playground committee starting up with Mrs. Messina heading it .  PTO has donated $2,000 to this committee to help out.  A new, larger fence has already been installed and a pathway has been added for the children to use.  This committee has plans to do additional fundraising  to build a bigger and better playground for all grades to be able to use.

Up coming PTO events are as follows:  Open House-Oct. 9th; Hallowed Halls-Oct 25th; Very Blessed Christmas-Dec 20th; Family Fun Night-Jan 30th; Mother/Son Night-April 25th; Father/Daughter Dance-May 16th and Field Day is to be announced (held at the end of the school year).  We need the help of many to be able to bring these events to our children and to enrich their school experience.  Each event needs a chairperson and co-chairperson plus many other volunteers.  Please contact any PTO  officer to donate your time and talents.

Charity events this year will be Henry Gobbler from November 1st-20th with Evelyn Schneider chairing this event and Steelers/Browns Jersey Day held on November 22.  Money and donated items from these two events go to local charities.  Futher information will come home with students closer to the events.

Treasurer’s Report by Jeanne Atkinson is as follows:  As of August 1st $5,215.03 was in our account.  We have set aside $2,000 for the PTO emergency fund (like fieldtrips if fundraisers do not go well) and $2,000 for the playground equipment.  After paying for Boo Hoo Breakfast and some other bills, we currently have $2,929.32 in our account.

Other Business:

Palma addressed our social media (Facebook) account.  She asked that we choose our words wisely.  Please use Facebook for positive comments and if you have any questions about something, please call Mr. Lyon for clarification.  Any negative comments will deleted.

Teachers blogs should be in use by now.  You may also access the school web-site for information.  Power School for students grades is being revamped and the office is working deligently to accomplish this.  Time and patience is asked of all.

Questions of the use of portable air condition units was brought up as the rooms have been so hot with the current weather and students have a difficult time concentrating on their studies.  Mr. Lyons stated this issue will be addressed at a later date.

Palma stated that anyone working with the children on a regular basis (such as in the classroom, lunchroom and for fieldtrips) are required to have clearances.

It was asked if we will have the occasional police officers parked in the parking lot as we did last year.  This happened last year after the school shootings as a precautionary measure.

Decorating the school for the Christmas holiday’s will be at the beginning of December and we will be looking for help at that time.

Next PTO meeting will be on November 13th at 6:30 in the multi-purpose room.

First to motion adjournment of meeting was Tammie and Melanie second the motion.  Meeting adjourned at 7:30.

Respectfully submitted by:

Evelyn Schneider, PTO Secretary