Little Eagle News 10/18

Oct 18, 2021 | KCFS News

Hello SJPII Families-

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Please find the Little Eagle News for this school week attached. As a reminder, tomorrow is a FREE PTO Dress Down Day for all students. Please keep in mind that leggings, hoodies, ripped jeans, and cropped tops are not permitted even on Dress Down Days.

Any student who one a raffle basket from our SJPII Open House will be bringing home the baskets tomorrow with them! We are going to have some very happy students tomorrow! Thank you all again for your generous donations for the baskets and purchasing tickets for the baskets!

Tomorrow, Grades K-6 will participating in a whole school Rosary as we will be celebrating the month of the Holy Rosary!

This Tuesday, students in Kindergarten through Sixth grade will participate in the Child Protection Class through the Diocese of Erie. Information regarding the class and content was sent home this past Thursday. If you need another copy, please let your child’s teacher know and we will be sure to get that to you.

On Wednesday and Thursday of this school week, we will be celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Month. Students are encouraged to wear yellow or blue on Wednesday for a dress down donation day. On Thursday, students are able to wear crazy socks with their gym uniform. More information will be sent home Tuesday about our celebration of Down Syndrome Awareness Month!

Friday, October 22nd is the Feast of Saint John Paul II! We will be attending the 9:00am Mass at Notre Dame Church as a whole school. We would love for you to join us! Students will need to remain with their classes even if a family member is attending.

Over the past week, we have had several incidents where the sinks have been left on in the restrooms, markings made on the walls, paper towels thrown around the restroom, and the stall doors being locked. As many of you may be aware, there have been some Tik Tok Challenges promoting this behavior going around on social media. We have decided that all classes will use the restroom together at scheduled times throughout the day. Student bathroom monitors will be assigned to help ensure sinks are turned off properly. We will be discussing and reviewing restroom expectations and rules as a whole school. Should an individual bathroom break be needed, students will continue to sign out like in the past. Please take a moment to discuss this with your child. Thank you for your support!

May God bless you and your families.


Educationally Yours,

Mrs. Kathryn Tiefenthal

SJPII Principal