SJPII Little Eagle News 2-28-22

Feb 28, 2022 | KCFS News

Hello SJPII Families!

We have an exciting week ahead of us at SJPII! Please find the Little Eagle News  for this school week attached. Additionally, you will also find the Read Across America flyer with the events for this week for Preschool through Sixth Grade.

There will be an All School Mass this Wednesday @ 9:00 am at Notre Dame Church for Ash Wednesday. Students in Kindergarten through Sixth grade will attend and receive ashes. We welcome family members to join us! Students will need to remain with their classes for the duration of the Mass even if family members are present. Preschool students will also be receiving ashes from Father Allen and me following Mass.

Please make sure to read over the newsletter for an update regarding the Extended Day Program and a Tardiness reminder.

May God Bless you and your families.

Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Kathryn Tiefenthal
SJPII Principal