Letter from Covid Safety Planning Committee

Dec 16, 2021 | COVID-19, KCFS News

December 16, 2021

Dear Kennedy Catholic Students, Families, and Staff,

The Covid Safety Protocols implemented at the start of the 2021-2022 school year will remain in
effect until at least January 14, 2022. As stated in the plan, universal masking will be required when
the level of transmission in any of the counties represented in our schools is rated as substantial or
high, in keeping with the recommendations of the Diocese of Erie Catholic Schools Office.
Our mitigation efforts have allowed in-person learning to continue without interruption. When
universal masking and social distancing are practiced, students are not required to quarantine. If
students are not masked and test positive for Covid-19, all close contacts would be required to
quarantine unless fully vaccinated. If your student has been vaccinated for Covid-19, please submit
the vaccination card to the school nurse to be copied in the student’s health record (the card will be
returned). This information is pertinent when contact tracing is done to determine if a student is
required to quarantine.

These protocols will be re-evaluated in January and any updates will be announced by January 14.
The health and safety of our students and staff is our highest priority, especially during this holiday
season. We are thankful for your cooperation and the compassion these protective actions show for
our most vulnerable KC family members.


The KCFS Covid Safety Planning Committee
Melissa Joseph, President
Bill Blum, Director of Finance and Operations
Katie Tiefenthal, Principal – St. John Paul II Elementary
Linda Perrico, School Nurse
Nicole Perry, Director of Enrollment and Retention
John Niemi, Director of Facilities
Jessica Sorg, Assistant Director of Facilities – St. John Paul II Elementary
Janet Taylor, Director of Athletics