Little Eagle News 1-24-22

Jan 25, 2022 | KCFS News

Hello SJPII Families-

I hope everyone is staying warm! Please find the Little Eagle News for this school week. SJPII will be participating in The Great Kindness Challenge this week! We are excited to spread kindness throughout our school and community!

Reminder- Tomorrow is a FREE PTO Dress Down Day for all students! The SJPII PTO will be holding a virtual meeting this Friday @ 10am on Zoom. Information to connect can be found on the Little Eagle Newsletter and will be sent home midweek via email as well.

Students in grades 3-6 will be taking the NWEA Assessments this week. This is the same assessment that they took in the fall and will take again in May. It is very important that the students are on time and present each day for their testing. The assessment will be broken into one test per day throughout the course of the week. Make-up assessments will be arranged if needed for the following week.

Keep your eyes out for our Catholic Schools Week schedule that will be going home this Thursday! We are looking forward to celebrating the week of January 31st!

Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Kathryn Tiefenthal
SJPII Principal