SJPII Little Eagle News 3-7-22

Mar 7, 2022 | KCFS News

Hello SJPII Families-

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday! It has been nice to see the sun this weekend and see children playing outside. Students have started to go back outside for recess if the weather permits. We are all anxiously awaiting Spring!

Please find the Little Eagle News 3.7.22 attached for this school week. This is a four day week at SJPII with no school on Friday, March 11th or Monday, March 14th. The school office will be closed on these days.

The SJPII PTO Easter Candy Sale with Philadelphia Candies ends tomorrow. All order forms and payments must be turned in by 8am. Checks can be made payable to Philadelphia Candies. Thank you for supporting the SJPII PTO!

SJPII Service Club will meet this Tuesday from 2:30-3:30pm. The Service Club will soon be collecting gently used toys and books to send to various churches that are taking in orphans from Ukraine. More information will be coming home.

The KCFS school system will also be fundraising for Ukraine Relief Efforts. Information will be sent via email soon. Please continue to keep Ukraine in your prayers.

SJPII K-6th grade students will attend Mass this Tuesday, March 8th @ 9:00am- Notre Dame Church with Father De Martinis.

I have attached the AVI letter that was emailed to families last week. Snacks and cookies will return this week for SJPII students.

We are looking forward to another great school week here at Saint John Paul II Elementary!

May God bless you and your families.

Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Kathryn Tiefenthal
SJPII Principal