Town Hall Information

Jul 15, 2022 | KCFS News

Kennedy Family – if you were not able to attend last evening’s Town Hall, we were given some sobering news from Bishop Persico and his staff.  In order to open our doors for the 2022-2023 school year, we must raise $400K by July 31st.  If you were able to join us last night, we think you will agree that we were one energized, enthusiastic and adamant voice that told the Bishop that we WILL raise that money and more!

We are so pleased to inform you that due to the efforts of over the last week – yes, ONE WEEK, we have already raised $105K.  We cannot stop there though and we need every single person who is receiving this email or notice on social media to help in any way you are able.  There is no amount that is too small yet we will greatly appreciate substantial gifts at this time in order to give the students, faculty and staff the peace of mind that they will be on our campuses and in our classrooms this year and for years and years to come!



You’ll notice that on our thermometer that we are already at $205K due to a generous, anonymous donor who matched, dollar for dollar, the first $100K raised.

Our commitment to you is twofold: First, we will keep you informed regarding our progress by sending these communications out twice a week until the first $400K has been raised.  Secondly, we will not stop until we’ve secured the funding necessary to keep KCFS alive and well for generations to come!

Please stay in contact, keep KCFS in your prayers and contribute however you are able.  Christo Servire!

KCFS Advancement Committee (est. June 2022)

Keith Brooks ‘84

Vince Cardamon

Tim Feeney ‘84

Joe Lombardi ‘86

Justin Magestro ‘82

Lew Rosa ‘94

Janet (Mancino) Taylor ’84 – KC Athletic & Advancement Director

Angela (Cardamon) Surano ’88