Little Eagle News 9-11-2023

Sep 12, 2023 | KCFS News

Hello SJPII Families!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Please find the Little Eagle News for this week HERE. We have a lot going on this week at SJPII so please make sure to read through the newsletter.

Students in Kindergarten through 6th grade will be taking the NWEA Map Growth Assessments throughout the course of this week. It is important for students to be present, on time, and have a healthy breakfast each day! I have attached some parent information regarding the NWEA assessments for our new families HERE. This data collected is used to help students meet their full academic potential and have success in the classroom setting. Teachers utilize this information to help differentiate learning activities and provide additional support in areas of struggle for students. This school year, we have added a daily intervention block to all classroom schedules. This allows time in the day for reading and math intervention. Mrs. Connie Jones and Mrs. Cathy Dorfi are assisting classroom teachers with intervention blocks and small groups. We are excited to add this to our school this year and can’t wait to see the growth of our students! Reports will be sent home after all assessments are completed.

Reminders and extra copies of any paperwork still needed to be turned into the office will be coming home this week.

Please make sure that if your child is tardy, they have a note with them to excuse the tardy. Thank you!

May God  Bless you and your families.

Educationally Yours,
Mrs. Kathryn Tiefenthal
SJPII Elementary Principal