Open House

Oct 17, 2012 | PTO

Open house was another success! Thank you Palma Russ for organizing and putting it together. Thank you to all the families who donated refreshments and items for the gift baskets. Thank you to the parents who volunteered to work throughout the night and for staying after to clean up. We really appreciate all of your support and help!

The gift baskets were absolutely AMAZING! What a wonderful job the ladies did putting them together. We have some crafty and talented Moms!!!

The winners of the baskets were:

Mini/Pre-K basket: Kavanaugh family

Kindergarden: Coates family

1A: Buff family

1B: Meiss family

2A: Wilds family

2B: Coates family

3: Williams family

4: Aszalos family

5: Williams family

The winner of the 50/50 drawing for $135 was Tina Trenga.

Congrats to all the winners!!!!

Next Thursday is our Hallowed Halls and we hope to see you there! Parents are encouraged to dress up with their children and we look forward to seeing everyone’s costumes!

Thank you again for making Open House a huge success!