Regular PTO Meeting Minutes 3-13-13

Apr 3, 2013 | PTO

 Blessed John Paul II

Regular PTO Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2013



Meeting brought to order at 6:40 by Tammie Kish


Opening prayer by Marian Smith


PTO Officers: Tammie Kish, President; Palma Russ, Vice President; Jeanne Atkinson, Treasurer; Evelyn Schneider, Secretary


In attendance: M Stabile, L Walton, D Buck, L Guzzo, D Wilds, J Smith, R and G Bosworth, J Wilson, T Kish, P Russ, J Atkinson, E Schneider, M Smith.


Approval of last meetings minutes: D Buck first the motion with D Wilds seconding the motion


Old Business:


Play for K Update: Tickets went out to families to sell. A few activities have changed from last year. Friday will be a wine and cheese gathering so people can view baskets for raffle.  Saturday music will be provided by Mr. Bosworth.  Homeroom parents will collect offerings for raffle baskets.  Looking for setup and tear down committee.


Easter Candy Sales Update: Palma reported that profit of $3,411.39 was made from sales.  A big thank you goes out to all who participated. Winners of contest were: 1st place-preschool family, Minich winning a $50.00 gift card to a restaurant of choice and 2nd place-Galaska family winning $25.00 gift card to restaurant.


Mother/Son Night Update: The event will be held at Ten Pin Alley (bowling) on April 19th at 5:00 p.m. with a bonfire afterwards back at BJPII. Cost is $15.00 per person which includes food, drinks and bowling.


Daddy/Daughter Dance Update: Sarah C will be the photographer. Theme this year is “Dancing down the Red Carpet”. DJ will be Robin Reimold. Event is May 17th at Buhl.


Wigs-for-Kids: Tammie stated that a cut-a-thon will not happen this year. Instead there will be a Hat Day with donations given to Locks-for-Love. Hats and silk scarves may also be donated.


PTO Board Nominations: Evelyn explained that nominations will begin 3-13-13 and run until

4-1-13.   Forms will be available in the office.  Voting ballots will be available in the office and sent home with children. Voting runs from April 2nd until 6:45 of next meeting, which is April 10th.


Field Day Sign-Up: Sign-up sheet available at meeting today. Kindergarteners will be included with their own separate area. At least 6 parents are needed to make this happen for the kindergarteners. Field day is also a noon dismissal.



New Business:


Treasurer’s Report: Jeannie reported that current balance is $7,869.29 in our account. The large amount is due to profits from Easter Candy sales. Some field trips have been paid for, but more are to come.


Yearbooks orders are currently being taken. Unlike last year, no extra books will be ordered, so be sure to order yours before the deadline.


Next meeting, place and time: Multipurpose room on April 10th at 6:30. Voting from 6:30-6:45.


Meeting adjourned by D Buck to first the motion and L Walton to second the motion at 7:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by:  Evelyn Schneider, PTO Secretary