April 15, 2013 PTO Meeting Minutes

Apr 17, 2013 | PTO

Meeting brought to order at 6:33 p.m. by Tammie Kish

PTO Officers present: T. Kish, President; P. Russ, V. President; J. Atkinson, Treasurer; E. Schneider, Secretary

Members Present: D Wilds, M Stabile, M Galaska, T Laidlaw, J Smith, M Smith, Fr. Marc Stockton

Opening Prayer by Father Marc

Motion to approve minutes from last meeting was by Mary Stabile and second by Donna Wilds.

Since Tammie recinded her resignation to run for president next year, the election results are as follows: Palma Russ, President; Mary Stabile, Vice President; Jeanne Atkinson, Treasurer and Evelyn Schneider, Secretary.  Teacher representative is Mrs. Messina.

Play for K results are not in for the dollar amount, however, the evening went well and a good time was had by all.

Jeanne reported that the amount in the treasury is $7,113.00.  Buses for fieldtrips still need to be paid for and we also have end-of-the-year activities to pay for yet, but other than that we are in good standing.

Mother/Son Night will be at Ten Pin Alley with bowling, food and beverages. A bonfire will be back at BJPII afterwards. We have 88 people currently signed up.  More roasting sticks are needed and the wood for the fire should be covered as rain is in the forecast. Bring your own lawn chairs.

Daddy/Daughter Dance is May 17th at Buhl. Forms went home today to order tickets, T-Shirts and for food donations.

Field Day is May 29th and the kindergarteners do have enough volunteers to enable them to participate in this activity. Budget was set at $2,000.00  which will include T-Shirts. Volunteers are needed to make this event run as smooth as last year.

Wigs-for-kids is now Crazy Hat Day with donations going to Locks-for-Love. Silk scarves and hats will also be accepted as donations.  Tammie will do a flyer to send home.

Spring Clean Up this past Saturday did not have a lot of volunteers, but those that were there worked hard and got a lot done. Benches are being donated by a future preschool family and the Eagle Scouts want to but in a nature trail.

Accelerator Reader Program was explained by Mrs. Smith. It has already begun in the classrooms and will be worth one test grade. This program encourages indepentant reading in the students.  Books will be based on each childs reading level.  A letter will be coming home Friday explaining the program and a parent meeting will be held as soon as possible to explain it further and answer any questions.

Mrs. Smiths last day of being Principal at BJPII will be June 30th. Father Marc stated they are finalizing plans on moving forward and making future plans for the school in looking for her replacement. We all wish her a very happy retirement.

Next meeting will be on May 8th at 6:30 in the Multi-Purpose Room. This is the final meeting for the school year. Bring new ideas for next year and we would like to hear comments on how you think this year was run so we can discuss any needed changes for next year.

Respectfully submitted by Evelyn Schneider, PTO Secretary.