We are still collecting for OLD blankets and misc. pet supplies for Club Pet. There is a box for collections in the front hall. We are in need of volunteers for academic games this month. Please contact Lisa Walton if you are able to volunteer. Lisa is also looking...

~Hallowed Halls~

I think this was another succesful event run by an amazing group of volunteers! The costumes were spectacular, both children AND adults! The 5th graders as well as Ms. Reimold put together a very popular maze, one which I never got a chance to enter as the line was...

Open House

Open house was another success! Thank you Palma Russ for organizing and putting it together. Thank you to all the families who donated refreshments and items for the gift baskets. Thank you to the parents who volunteered to work throughout the night and for staying...

Open House

Just a reminder that Open House is this Wednesday from 6-8 pm. If you are sending in a donation please do so by Wednesday morning so that we have adequate time to prepare everything.

Discount cards . . . .

**REMINDER** Please turn in your discount card money and/or the extra cards that didn’t sell ASAP. Thank you!

Clothing order is in!

CLOTHING order is in!!!!!!! I will be at the school today for you to pick up your order. If you did not pay yet please do so today. I will also be distributing the items during dismissal! If you have any questions please call me 724-877-7670!