Discount Cards sent home today!

Parents, there was an error in the letter that was sent home today along with the discount cards. There are only 18 businesses on the card and NOT 20. Again, the cards are $10 a piece and all families were given 5 to sell. If you can sell more then please let me know...

First day of school!

What a wonderful first day of school! Thank you parents for joining us for breakfast and a huge THANK YOU for the parents who helped! It was a nice way to get back into the swing of things and to catch up with old friends! PTO is busy planning our 1st function to be...

Four days until school begins!

Wow, where has the summer gone? Only 4 days left until school! I know PTO is ready to roll, are you? We hope to see you during our Pastries for Parents Monday morning and for all of our events for that matter! Our first big event is the Back to School Bash dance to be...

Dismissal volunteers needed

Mrs. Smith is in need of volunteers to help with dismissal for the 1st week of school. If you can help please call the school and let her know. Thank you!  


I’m still looking for a Chair for the Back to School Bash. It’s going to be held on Friday September 14th from 6p to 8p. I’ve already secured the DJ and have a list of game ideas. We do have a Co-Chair and volunteers but need a Chair person. Please...